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Manual brushing

Manual brushing

Good oral hygiene keeps your teeth, molars and gums healthy. Brushing your teeth forms the basis for this.

For a manual toothbrush, choose a soft brush with a small brush head. Replace the brush every three months or when the bristles start to stand out.

Brushing your teeth is also necessary to remove plaque. Dental plaque can lead to inflamed gums. Plaque that is not removed gets harder and calcifies into tartar. New plaque easily sticks to tartar, leading to the gums to become more inflamed.

With an electric toothbrush you can remove dental plaque more easily. The electric toothbrush makes the right brushing movement for you

  • For example, always clean your teeth inside, outside and on top 
  • Always brush with a fluoride toothpaste
  • Twice a day and for a minimum of two minutes
  • When brushing the lower teeth, pull your lower lip away with your thumb and forefinger.