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Invisible bracket

With invisible braces you can achieve a perfect smile in a short time. Are you curious about the possibilities? Read more below or contact us.



Orthodontics means correcting and optimizing the position of the teeth. This is efficient, because regular teeth are more likely to stay healthy and allow a person to bite, chew and talk correctly. Moreover, a well-aligned, straight set of teeth is a beautiful sight and therefore an excellent reason to care about the position of the teeth. Because doesn’t everybody want to have a beautiful smile?

The invisible brace

Many people feel bad about braces you can see. Have you always wanted to have more beautiful teeth but are not happy about braces with its locks? Then go for the invisible braces. The big advantage is that you can also take out the invisible braces. The invisible braces are a series of thin, comfortable clear aligners (“bitjes”) that are specially made for you only. The teeth are put back in their right position by wearing the series of aligners - they will make them gradually slide into the correct places. The invisible braces can be easily taken out when eating, drinking, brushing teeth and flossing. Ideal for brushing your teeth correctly or if you have an important social engagement.

For whom?

If treatment is possible depends mainly on the quality of the teeth and the condition of the gums and the surrounding bone and tissue. Contact us for an appointment to discuss the possibilities in your individual situation.

The invisible braces treatment is for everyone who is looking for an invisible way to straighten the teeth. Every few weeks you will get a new set of aligners. Every new set of invisible braces brings you closer to your beautiful smile! 

First consultation

During the first consultation, the dentist will determine if invisible braces are suitable for you by way of orthodontics. Not all corrections can be treated with the invisible braces. If necessary, additional X-rays are taken to see if the teeth are free of inflammation. The duration of treatment and the number of aligners depend on your initial situation and the desired end result. The dentist will give you what is possible or not.


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