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Pediatric dentistry

Are you looking for a pediatric dentist in the Amsterdam region? Our dentists are very experienced in treating children. By reassuring children, a visit to the dentist is fun.

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Pediatric dentistry

Our dentists are very experienced in treatments for children. We put children at ease, a visit to the dentist need not make you afraid, but it might even be fun. The teeth are checked and your child learns to take good care of his of her teeth. Thus we lay a foundation for good oral care of children for the rest of their lives.

We recommend that you take your child to the dentist at about the age of 2 for their first check-up. During the first visit, the  team of the dentist and the assistant will make your child feel at ease in the the dental practice in a playful way. By doing so we will create an important feeling of trust for your child with the dentist, which can only be done through a pleasant and friendly approach. This takes away any fear of the dentist.

Cost of pediatric dentistry

Children up to the age of 18 are fully covered for dental treatment by their parents’ health insurance. The treatments of your child at Dental Practice Diemen-Zuid are therefore free of charge! There is not even a own-risk-fee.

Certain specialist treatments (such as braces) are not covered by the basic insurance. For this you can take out extra dental insurance.