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First visit

First visit

On your first visit Tandartspraktijk Diemen-Zuid you will meet the dentist and you can discuss your wishes and questions. We do everything we can to make the first visit as pleasant as possible. Are you afraid of the dentist? Please indicate this in advance when making the first appointment so that we can take this into account.

Duration of the first appointment

The first appointment takes about 20 to 30 minutes. During the first visit, the soft insides of the cheek, tongue and floor of the mouth, the state of the jawbone and gums, but also the state of the teeth and molars are examined. In addition, two small X-rays are taken and, if necessary, a jaw overview picture or additional small X-rays.

This gives us an precise overview of the state of your teeth.

The dentist will discuss the results with you and make a treatment plan, if necessary. In case of  an large plan, the dentist will make an appointment to discuss the different possibilities with you.

If there are urgent complaints, these will be taken care of as soon as possible, so there will be no treatment during the first visit.


The cost of the first visit depends on what is needed in your situation to decide on the state of the teeth. The first visit will in any case consist of a 'Consult for intake' (code C001) and 2 'small X-rays' (bitewings) (code X10).

If there are many dental problems, an large treatment plan is drawn up after consultation. 'Extensive research for the integral treatment plan' (code C012).

Should there be time left after the intake, a dental cleaning will take place during the same appointment.

Dental rates 2024

C001 Consultation for intake €53,50
X10 Small X-ray €19,71
C012 Extensive research to draw up a treatment plan €126,72